La Latina
You haven't seen Madrid until you've soaked up the true La Latina vibe
You haven't seen Madrid until you've soaked up the true La Latina vibe
There’s a distinct buzz in the air as soon as you step foot in La Latina: this central Madrid neighbourhood is like a little village in itself – the neighbours all know each other, the barman knows what you drink and the shops downstairs will hold your parcels for you if you’re out. A kind of independent republic with a medieval feel, you’ll find broad squares flanked by narrow, winding streets named mostly after the trades once plied there or after locally-revered saints, in a fittingly medieval theocentric style.
Plaza de los Carros, Plaza de la Cebada and the streets named after the local trades they once housed – Yeseros, Tintoreros, Latoneros and la Ribera de Curtidores were once home to plasterers, dyers, panel beaters and tanners – make La Latina’s traditional charm impossible to resist.
La Latina – located in the Palacio district and not in the Latina district found in South Madrid- owes its name to Beatriz Galindo, a humanist and tutor to the family of Spain’s Catholic Monarchs, Isabella and Ferdinand. Galindo was known as “La Latina”, as she taught Latin to the Queen and her daughters. The neighbourhood had Galindo to thank for the hospital of La Latina (known as the Hospital de la Concepción de la Madre de Dios), which was located on the spot where the La Latina Theatre and the Concepción Jerónima and Concepción Francisca convents now stand.
It is this history, coupled with the traditional beauty of the old Madrid of the Habsburgs – which is practically unique to La Latina – that makes it such a popular location among the various urban tribes, particularly among the more bohemian and arty crowds, and not forgetting the urbanites, luxury lovers and bon vivants.
Don’t forget: The list of must-dos in Madrid include watching the sunset over the Royal Palace from Las Vistillas, exploring La Latina’s winding streets and heading out for a “latineo”, which is basically a La Latina bar crawl.
Find out more about La Latina
Restaurants and bars
Line 5
Líneas 17, 18, 23, 35, 3, 60, 148, C1, C2
25 min
8 min
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